All About Me: Max Bonilla
If you’re curious to know about my background, please watch this video:

If you’re curious to know about my background, please watch this video:
Greetings fellow Californians,
My name is Max Bonilla and I am a 17 year old Conservative political activist/grassroots lobbyist based in Sacramento, California. I graduated High school a year and a half ago and I am now in my second year of college. I was first disillusioned by California politicians when it became clear that Gavin Newsom was keeping schools closed in collusion with the Teacher’s Unions who were hellbent on defunding the police. This had nothing to do with keeping children safe from CV-19. I felt like nothing but a special interest political pawn during this time because Costco could have 1,000 people shopping while not maintaining their distance, but a class of 25 students could not meet for in-person instruction.
This was impacting my mental wellbeing and academic performance. Today, I am noticing the consequences of these school closures as kids fall way behind. To this day, I have been involved in killing 4 big bills that would’ve infringed on the basic health rights of everyday Californians, from forced vaccination to single-payer healthcare that would’ve doubled our taxes. I also make short videos educating Californians on the most pressing issues in their day to day lives. I talk to legislators frequently and interact with like minded people because I want to see California change for the better. I was once a helpless schoolboy, but today my curiosity fuels me to travel through the complex maze of California politics. I look forward to interacting with you all in the near future.