Frequently Asked Questions
How or where can I sign the Recall Petition?
Download and print the petition yourself, there is a 8.5” X 11” version of the petition at the link provided. Enter your email address at the bottom of the particular petition you want to download (regular size or legal size) and it will allow you to download it.
There are permanent signing locations listed all across the state, find a place near you using this link:
Join a local Facebook group and find somebody who is tabling in your county.
If you have printed the petition, you might as well get a few friends and family to sign as well. Then Mail it to the PO Box listed at the bottom of the Petition
P.O. Box 417030 Sacramento, CA 95841
The petition has 2020 dates buts its 2021 is the petition still good?
In the 3 locations that say 2020 please just write a 1 over the last 0 in ink
Why can you just change the form thats on the website?
Once the form that was originally approved by the SOS there can be no changes to it without the form going thru another complete review process with the SOS again, the process above is what we are telling people is the process the SOS lawyers told us to use.
Its after November, can I still turn in my Petition?
Yes we received an extension till continue getting sigs till March 10th so please continue getting them and send them in to us.
How many Signatures do we have?
Recently the RecallGavin2020 team contracted with a third party vendor to collect, validate and secure signed petitions for safe keeping. Due to the Covid shut down many Registrars offices have been closed to the public. Petitions will be held by our vendor until problems delivering them to the registrars offices are resolved. This change of events has delayed counting for a week while we transition to the new process. In the coming days the vendor will submit a weekly count, which is much more accurate and timely than that produced by the Secretary of State. Currently the recall has had over 1,00,000 signatures submitted. The vendor is still counting. The movement is building steam and gaining momentum rapidly. Thank you for your patience and participation.
The Top Funders list is blank or the Link does not work.
The Link is not broken, if you look in your downloads directory you should have a pdf file there and if you open it that’s the Top Funders List.
There are no names in the list yet because a top funder is someone that donates 50k or more.
How many signatures do we need to get?
1,495,709 Valid Signatures. However, there was a 25% disqualification rate for signatures collected last time. If we only submit 1,495,709 signatures, we will certainly fail because some will be disqualified, so we are shooting to collect upwards of two million signatures in order to have a very comfortable safety gap.
It’s 2020 why can’t I sign this electronically?
The California Secretary of State (SOS) dictates the acceptable format for petitions and currently the only method is ink on paper.
Can I email you my Signed Petition
No, Unfortunately we cannot accept any electronic versions of the petitions. Please mail them to the PO Box address at the bottom of the Petitions
How can I help?
Go to our website, click on the About Us tab, go to Volunteer Signup, fill out the form and hit submit. You may enter the way/s you are interested in helping.
From the website, go to the County Info tab, check out your county to contact your county organizers and join your county’s Facebook page.
Print out the petition, sign it, have friends and family sign and give copies of the petition to others and ask that they please do the same.
Promote the recall on social media, point people to the petition on the website, get creative with your posts. Include reasons why they should sign, call in to radio shows, post comments on Youtube videos, Tweet it out every day, write letters to the editor in response to something Newsom has done that affects you and/or your family. Every little bit helps.
Contact local businesses and political organizations that you think would like to know about this recall effort. Gavin has made plenty of people mad. Contact your local republican and libertarian political groups, both local, college and county level, gun stores and shooting ranges, barbers and beauty salons, independent business owners. We need to get the word out and the best way would be for people to tell interested parties directly, either in person or over the phone. Have them become permanent signing stations.
Collect signatures yourself by tabling at a high traffic area. Either at a store that is empathetic to the cause or in a strip mall or regular mall. Single retail outlet stores need to have permission to table but they are usually amendable as long as we don’t impede traffic and don’t make a nuisance of ourselves.
I have a business, or know of a business, that wants to be a signing station (ie keep copies of the petition for patrons to sign) How do I get on the website?
If you know for certain that a business is on board with the effort, submit their information here they will be contacted to verify the information and to see if they need any materials (ie petitions, signage, etc)
I already signed a petition, why do I need to sign again.
This is a new recall that started on June 10th 2020. There were two other recall campaigns that were not successful. You cannot sign this petition online but you can certainly download, print and sign this petition since it is new even if you signed another petition previously.
What things will disqualify a signature?
A signature will be disqualified if:
- The signer used an address that is different than the one that they have registered to vote with.
- A petition has signatures of voters from multiple counties; signers on a petition page should all be from the same county.
- A person signs more then 1 time, Only 1 signature will be counted.
How can I verify what address I used to register to vote?
The quickest and easiest way to check your address, register or re-register would be to use this website, it takes 5 minutes using a mobile phone or your computer.
How long do we have to collect Signatures?
With the new extension we have ‘til March 10th 2021 to collect the required signatures.
Will this really work? Won’t Gavin just cheat and disqualify all the signatures?
This has worked before and will work this time. This is a vetted process that is done fairly and in good faith by county workers who remain apolitical. Have faith in the process and give it your best effort and it will succeed!
Where do I see the past Town Hall Videos? has all our past Town Halls.
I plan to mail the petitions to the PO Box, Can I fold the petitions?
Yes they can be folded but please make sure they are not too scrunched up.
I signed a petition a couple of months ago, do i need to sign again?
The last effort ended on Feb 13th of 2020 and from that date forward those petitions are invalid.
If you signed a petition before June 10th, then yes please sign the new one.
Our effort went live on June 10th with a whole new petition and management team. Please only use the new petitions or they will not be valid.
What is the Pruneyard law?